Why do we care so much about sustainability?

Because for us, respecting the environment and people is fundamental. We want the Legami experience to be a positive one in every way.

We are a Benefit Corporation

We adopt a virtuous business model for balance between profit and sustainability

Our Sustainability Report

Our commitment to making a positive impact on people and the environment.

We have been compensating our CO2 emissions since 2021

For the fourth consecutive year, we’ve brought our CO2 emissions to zero.

Projects in support of the environment

Generating wind energy in the Dominican Republic

Enriquillo, Dominican Republic
Generazione di energia eolica in India

Generating solar energy in India

Andhra Pradesh
Generazione di energia solare in Cina

The hydroelectric project in Colombia

The hydroelectric project in Colombia

Wild fauna protection in Cambodia

Mondulkiri, western Cambodia
Conservazione delle torbiere in Indonesia

Protecting forests in PerĂą

Madre de Dios, PerĂą
Protecting forests in PerĂą

Protecting forests in Brazil

Tutela delle foreste in Brasile

Generating clean energy in India

Kullu district, India
Generazione di energia pulita in India

We're making a sustainable impact on the planet

We work hard every day to make a positive impact on the environment.

Prodotti con carta certificata FSC®

Products with FSC® certified paper

We guarantee the traceability of the paper and wood we use in all stages of the production process for our products, with FSC® certified paper.
Ask about our FSC® products!

Scontrini in carta riciclabile

Recyclable receipt paper

Our receipts are blue and, unlike conventional receipts, they are recyclable as paper.

Shopper sostenibili

Sustainable shopping bag

We’ve replaced all the shopping bags in our Boutiques with compostable bags or bags made with materials derived from cane sugar, like Green-PE.

Solo energia da fonti rinnovabili

Energy from renewable sources only

We’ve installed solar panels on our headquarters to meet our energy needs, and we purchase only certified green energy from renewable sources.

Boutique a basso impatto

Low-impact boutiques

We have developed detailed guidelines to keep the environmental impact of our Boutiques low.

Our commitment to the well-being of people

We are committed to our communities and to the projects close to our hearts.

Sosteniamo i piĂą vulnerabili

We support the most vulnerable

For over 15 years, we have been supporting the CESVI non-profit and the “House of Smiles” programme, which offers safe spaces for children and their families in neglected outskirts in Italy and around the world.

Supportiamo lo sport femminile

We support women’s sport

We promote the value of sport as a Gold Sponsor of the Series A1 Volley Bergamo women’s volleyball team.

I nostri fornitori rispettano i principi etico-sociali

Our suppliers respect ethical-social principles

We’ve mapped our suppliers and regularly carry out inspections so we can be sure we only work with those who respect international ethical-social principles.